Monday, February 23, 2009

Human Centered Design Reflection

I had trouble looking at this report or toolkit because it's very long and confusing but it also seems to me as a sort of social activism and less actual design.  It's a proposal for a system or a program but I'm having trouble seeing any actual physical, visual design element.   So I looked at what Human Centered Design actually was and found these links:

I found this website for a "design consultancy helping companies and organisations to innovate their products, services and processes by putting people and their experiences first."

I found a 17 min. video about human centered design at TED which really helped me visually see what can be possible design wise. (They also show designed games in a museum, which we kind of talked about in class.)

So with these in mind I took another look at the HCD toolkit and read that they would use it for technology adaptation for hygienic plumbing/water systems.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey, yes, thank you for looking further and finding TED, it's an increadible resource for good talks.